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enhancing your company in a globe that is shifting

Dasash Mystery Shoppers

As the nation’s first and largest mystery shopping service providers, Dasash has made significant contributions to legitimizing mystery shopping as powerful research tool.

Expertise from trailblazers

We are one of the very first mystery shopping companies ever established in Ethiopia, the first to gather data online, the first to link mystery shop data to other research data and the first to dissect moments of truth that drive differentiation

Holistic approach

We offer an array of customer surveying methodologies and feedback options .These methodologies are designed to help you view your products, services and brand from a variety of perspectives and achieve optimal customer value, delight and loyalty.

State-of-the-art technology

Our technology is first to provide extensive story-like narrative to frame the experience beyond numeric scoring, and we continue to develop new areas of both qualitative and quantitative research, analytic, technology and integrated customer-feedback programs.

Welcome to Dasash

About Us

Being trailblazers in the industry, we have grown our business expertise on a global scale and are currently working in Ethiopia with organizations that have more than 200 branches.

We mainly specialize in customer retention and 3rd party marketing(word of mouth) by evaluating business with our mystery shoppers and analyzing the data gathered and comparing it to the industry standard efficiency benchmarks. We provide a solution based on the outcomes presented. We provide with an outstanding way to get new customers and retain existing ones.

Improve your customer experiences to drive repeat business, brand loyalty, and increased sales.

Our Service

The Best Mystery Shopper for Your Buisness

How We Work

We’ll partner with you to develop a program to create, update and track data at all levels within your organization for performance feedback, coaching, recognition and development of action plans.

The Dasash Advantage

Dasash keeps all stakeholders informed about what customers are experiencing — providing rapid, clear and deep understanding of the often hidden and complex nature of a situation, problem or un-tapped opportunity.

Quality Assurance

At Dasash, our dedication to quality assurance is unmatched. Over the years, we've built a quality-assurance system of checks and balances that permeates every aspect of our business. Here's how we quantify qualitative data for you and create a report you can trust.


Did You Know

Customer experience

Only 1 in 26 customers will inform a company about their unpleasant experience; the remainder simply leave.

Happy Customers

Studies show that happy customers share positive experiences with an average of 11 people.

Customer Retention

A mere 5% increase in customer retention produces more than a 25% increase in profits.

Angry Customers

 Another study shows that Angry customers share negative experiences with an average of 15 people.

our blog

Our Latest Media

Our campaigns get your business in front of the right people at the
right time to increase organic traffic and boost engagement.
I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure. It is: Try to please everybody. - Herbert Bayard Swope

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